Here's my newest flowerbed... it went from this:

to this:

with the help of some iris (transplanted at the wrong time so it won't flower this year), woolly thyme, magenta ice plant, and two unknown wildflowers from my wildflower garden.
I planted a few seeds in the bare spots...

Poppies and snow-in-summer. Both will tolerate drought and HOT, sunny conditions. Perfect for that little spot!
I cleared out the wildflower garden in the front of dead matter, dandelions, and the MILLIONS of tiny trees that had taken root...

Oh, and the grass that is still sure that it belongs in THERE instead of on the bare spots in my yard...

Getting ready for summer!
That stubborn grass! If you can figure out how to get it to go to the right place, let me know. My grasses have the same attitude problem!
I love snow-in-summer- I'm going to be planting some this spring too!
Grass is so frustrating! Always where it isn't wanted, but then the nerve to be sparse where it should be!
Nice. We put a bunch of wildflower seeds out a month ago (we're warming than you) and everyone is springing up happily. It definitely lifts the spirit. Look forward to seeing how your little garden grows.
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