Monday, April 14, 2008

April Showers Bring April Flowers

We've had lots of snow and rain for the past few weeks... here's what's popping up!

Grape Hyacinth

Delicate, early blooming star shaped tulips


Bright, fiery tulips

My crabapple tree blooming for possibly it's last spring. Every spring, another limb doesn't emerge from winter... soon there will be nothing left. It is old and gnarled; half of it is gone already. It makes me sad to think of it's eventual demise, but I'm rejoicing in it's flowers this spring.


Josh said...

Wonderful spring flowers! Ours aren't ready to bloom yet, but it's exciting just to see something green after all the snow and cold.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful. Congratulations on the emergence of spring at your house :)

Amalie said...

Isn't it exciting!?!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Our grape hyacinth and daffodils are just starting to come up too.. I love the picture of your crabapple- it's too bad this might be the last year...

L said...

Everything looks so beautiful. I can't believe Spring is here again already. I hope the tree holds out longer. :(

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of familiar faces from my own garden. We even have a crabapple tree, too! I think ours is in decent health. It houses our bird feeder and the birds absolutely adore it!

Anonymous said...

The flowers and colors are beautiful. I'll be glad when spring finally get to New England!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! It is so exciting, isn't it?


Jen said...

Love the tulips.. so pretty.