We spent our first couple days looking at simple old houses in Smoky Mountain National Park. I love how small, simple, and functional they are... rather like a certain tiny old house I know.
Ogle's Cabin:

A fireplace inside:

An old multi-pane window:

The grist-mill:

It's fascinating to look at the foundations of these houses...

stacked stone.
If you look closely at this house, you can see the stacked stone foundation:

This was one of the first stores in the area, and one of the only painted houses. Park information states that the house was painted these three colors because they were the only three colors Sears and Roebuck carried at that point... but I'm not sure of the truth in that!
A raingutter:

A built-in cabinet:

And finally, a few pictures from Cade's Cove.

Stay tuned for EXTRAVAGANT Old Houses... and siding removal. The start date is tomorrow... I'll slip more vacation pictures in between the monotony!
Oh how cool!!
I love old structures like these!!
I wiah the woodshop looked more like these. I do need to side it...perhaps I could do something like this....
it's the only part of Tennessee we haven't been to, and The Guy is desperate to visit. Super shots.
Wow. Just...wow.
Awesome pictures!
So are the stacked stone foundations in place to keep taxes lower (since it's not a permanent improvement to the land)?
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