Remember my bird nest?

The cute one, in the apple tree?

With the baby birds?
Here's what they looked like a few days ago.

The Murderer...

Guilty as charged, convicted and sentenced to a 30 minute down-stay (not that he knew why).
Poor little robin never had a chance.
I know they're just dogs. I KNOW it's part of nature. I know that instinct is stronger than most training. But this was a baby I've watched from an EGG! 4 weeks of watching over these little birds, of checking the ground underneath the tree every day to make sure there wasn't a fallen bird, of trying our best to make sure our dogs didn't get a robin snack.
Too bad this one hopped away into the bushes today on it's first adventure out of the nest, still unable to fly. We watched with horror as Kirby grabbed it and started bouncing and tossing with glee.
I buried it under the lilac bush, in a super deep grave with a stone on top. It didn't even have all of it's color yet. Poor baby robin. Hopefully it's brother or sister faired better... we'll keep the dogs out of the yard for a few days to give it a chance.
Oh, I'm so sorry :( My childhood dogs used to find baby bunnies. I did my best to save a few, but I'd get so sad and disappointed the my sweet lovey dogs would do that.
I hope your other bird makes it.
We have a birds nest living in our gutter!!! It really gives our home a country feel!!(LOL) We actually live in an urban setting.I dream of the country or living on a beachfront.There is something so sweet about hearing the baby birds!!!!
Oh my stars, your murderer is the spitting image of my roommate's vile, disgusting, perpetually perky and annoying dog! :)
I had a neighbor when I was young whose german shepherd had a fondness for playing with kittens. Nature bites.
LOL Not laughing at you, laughing over the post. I have a starlings nest in the air vent of my roof and I meant to get rid of it except it is full of babies. So I will wait until they go away and finish the job. Unless I can borrow one of your dogs! My Dogs are to old to do any harm, or too deaf or blind. Sorry didn't mean to make light of your situation
Poor birdie!
I remember a neighbor's dog who ran off with one of my cat's tiny newborn kittens in its mouth.
Nature can be so cruel!
I'm sorry! I'm still holding my breath that my dog doesn't do exactly the same thing with our blue jay family...
I think Kirby needs better representation. Did he get a fair trial?-Priscilla
Ohhh! How sad. I am so sorry. :( Poor little robin.
Oh dear!! I feel for you!! We just got through watching a momma robin hatch and care for her babies (we had a direct view from our laundry room window of the nest). They just left the nest over the weekend and I kind of miss checking in on the family!!
So sorry to hear this....
We have some babies under the eaves of the porch so we have to keep an eye on the cats.
Chile~ I think the saddest part was that he DIDN'T eat the bird. We've bred that out of retrievers over the last thousands of years... he was a perfect, soft mouthed retriever... with a neck breaking head shake. He didn't know what to do with it except shake and toss it. We fed it to the lilac.
I'm so sorry! Last spring our dog did the same thing to a baby bunny- which has still traumatized me to this day! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the other birdies...
Hey, this is unrelated but are you ok? Just thinking about you with all the freaky weather. We're having tornadoes just outside Los Angeles. Let us know.
Ohhhhhh!!!! :-(
I'm sure my dog would do the same thing though - lucky for our birds that they're on porch of our non-fenced front yard, so doggy doesn't get to hang out there.
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