The room in question is my husband's studio/study. It is a 10 ft by 12 ft area, including the closet space. It needs to hold a 4-1/3 octave marimba, a drum set, a large file cabinet and bookshelf, a cello, a guitar and amp, 300 CD's, and a number of other band and orchestra instruments. He uses it primarily for practicing all of those instruments.
Previously, we had painted the white room a light cream and painted the dark brown and in terrible repair baseboards a moss green. We also removed the garish gold tone mirrored closet doors and painted the interior of the closet and the header the same moss green. We intend on replacing the baseboards and the carpet in the future. But right now, it just has to be LIVABLE.
I spent the day hanging up CD shelves and paintings and laying down a new area rug, recycled from my in-law's recent remodel. I also reorganized the layout and bought a black 6 foot bookcase to add more bookshelf space and match the existing black file cabinet. VERY cheap, and hopefully temporary. Someday I would love to redo the entire closet with built-in shelving and file cabinets.

Notice the loft space above the closet, where the instruments have gone. The wire CD racks are existing relics from college that have found a new life as wall shelves. The books and computer components have all found a home in the new bookcase.
I placed the drum set in the corner by the window, place two cowbells on the window, and hung a Chinese calendar and hat that a brother brought back for us along with a picture made of wood that a student gave him between it and the marimba (which takes up the entire other wall).

My favorite addition is this:

It is a painting of one of our favorite places (Lake McConaughy) by a very good family friend and fabulous artist, Mick Shimonek. It was a Christmas gift a few years ago that we hadn't found the right wall for (our living room walls are way too small). I think I found a good place for it:

It really dresses up the whole room. Plus, it's a great reminder of summer sunsets on the beach, sailing, and playing fetch until the dog drops at your feet.
The guitar and amp found a home behind the door, in a space just the size for them. The cello found a nook between the bookcase and CD rack.
I didn't have time (as I left town yesterday), but I still want to buy bamboo roll up shades for the two windows. They will help keep the sun off of the delicate instruments, tie in the Chinese artwork, and add decoration to the bare windows. I will have to look for used bamboo shades.
Bookcase: $20
Screws: $2.27
Hi, Jennifer!
Thanks so much for stopping by Tallulah House :)
I'm glad to know about your tiny old house, as Tallulah is one of those herself. I can definitely get some good ideas about reusing things from you.
Nice job on the music room!
Busy day!! My husband plays Slingerland drums... I wish he had a whole outhouse for them..
That's so neat and clean. I love the green colour and the painting - thanks for sharing the artist details.
The room looks great! And Chile is right - it doesn't look at all cramped. Lovely painting, too.
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