Monday, May 12, 2008

Shh... Molly's on a Hunt

in our big backyard...


What is she hunting?

Well... first they twist THIS way...


And then they slide THAT way...


And sometimes you can even see their beady little eyes...




Garter snakes!

(Anyone have any idea what the evil plant that the garter snakes are sliding around in is? It's some sort of a bush, that sometimes gets thorns... I've been pulling it for YEARS and it keeps spreading).


Jen said...

The second snake post I've read this morning.....

Allie said...

What a cute dog!

modernemama said...

cute and a snake hunter - that's a perfect pooch

Christine said...

I had my own bout with a snake today!

Joanne said...

I once chased my college roommate down the street with one of these after she irritated me about something or other. Hee hee.

Sandy said...

I read that after you pull a weed (or grass growing in the cracks of your driveway or sidewalk) that if you pour a little vinegar in the hole that is left nothing will grow there.

Sandy said...

I read that after you pull a weed (or grass growing in the cracks of your driveway or sidewalk) that if you pour a little vinegar in the hole that is left nothing will grow there.