Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas is Coming...

and the decorations are up!

On Saturday, we bought a 5 foot Noble Fir, made steaming mugs of hot cocoa (and Kahlua), and set to decorating the tree with our box of ornaments:
We had just enough tree for the ornaments!

I created a wreath out of a few extra branches, a hunting horn, and some small glass balls:
The wreath looks especially nice on our brick house!

Our stockings...
... hung by the furnace with care.

Here's looking forward to a wonderful Christmas season, filled with love and care!


  1. The decorations look great and I love the stockings by the furnace comment :-)

    Man, what a year it's been for "Tiny Old House"...can't wait to see what happens next.

  2. Lookin' good! I haven't even started decorating for Christmas yet but when I do, I think I'll have hot cocoa with kahlua too.

  3. Looks great! So, do you get the big stocking?

    We got as far as taking the stuff out this weekend. It's still piled on the dining table. Gotta get going though; it's coming up soon!

  4. Kristy~ Thanks! It's been fun and busy!

    Josh~ It's YUMMY! We are early decorators because I don't want to do all that work for just a week or so!

    Denise~ Yes... that big red stocking is ALL MINE! So is the little red and white one on the same hook. The other stocking is my first dog's, too... we've got to make a couple more, as my husband's mother is very attached to his stocking.

  5. That hot cocoa with Kahlua sounds great. Is it too early in the day for one?

  6. Cute decorations. I haven't seen the progess on your house in awhile and a lot has changed! It looks good!

  7. Man...I wish we could decorate!

    Looks like you are going to have a great season.

  8. I bet the tree smells great. That's my favorite part of the tree, the scent. Enjoy the season!
