Monday, March 3, 2008


This morning while browsing through some of my favorite blogs, I noticed everyone's crocuses were coming up. Aimee has gorgeous, saturated yellow crocuses in her flower beds, and Jen and her dogs have beautiful purple and white crocuses scattered through their yard. Minhus even talked about the emerging spring flowers in her garden... and posted some gorgeous cut flowers.

I was feeling a little left out, a little lonely in my flowerless existence. No spring flowers for me.

Then I stepped outside to get the mail... and saw THIS:


My very first spring flower... a bright yellow crocus. It makes me want to SING! Definitely worth the $40 I spent on bulbs last fall.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yay- Thanks for sharing! Now if only my flowers would come up too!

  3. Cute little crocus!

    I am officially hella jealous. Spring bulbs are my absolute FAVE, but nothing is even close outside.

  4. I had spring bulbs coming up and then BAM -- 10" of snow yesterday. Sigh. My poor little crocuses don't know what happened to them!

  5. DAGNABIT!!! I have been waiting for weeks on ours to bloom. We have one little patch and it/s usually bloomed by now. I check everyday - nothing.


    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Cute little crocus you have there! :) We have more in more colors coming up now. Spring seems to want to come, despite the freezing weather.
