Monday, November 23, 2009

Welcome Back?

Some flu, some bronchitis... coughing, bruised ribs, fevers ... that's how our two months have been. It amazes me that I still woke myself up coughing last night, two months after coughing for the first time. I will say that Delsym is a miracle cough syrup, that tomato soup and saltines is the only palatable thing at many points, and that my husband and I are very lucky to have each other to take care of us!

Needless to say, not much has happened on the house. There is a door leaning against the water heater closet waiting to be installed and a new router and table received as a birthday present waiting to be used for the first time. The new old front door is still waiting half stripped in the garage. Even the backyard was left in a state of half completion... leaves need raked and composted, weeds mowed, tools put away.

I'll raise a glass of orange juice to continued improving health... and to getting back to our Tiny Old House!


  1. I was just wondering about you as I scrolled through my blog roll last night. Feel better soon!

  2. Glad to have you two back, even briefly. It's been a long two months.

  3. Here's to your health and better days ahead. Welcome back.

  4. Yay! Back again! I was wondering what had happened.

    Hope you're totally well. I know what it's like to feel you're coughing up your immortal soul.

  5. I'm so glad you're back and feeling better! Looking forward to reading your posts again, too.

  6. Just found your blog... I had the same symptoms from the week before Thanksgiving until the the third wek of January- even dislocated some ribs. I hate to say I'm "glad" someone else was that sick, but... you know... it sucked.

    I'm enjoying your blog!
