Friday, February 13, 2009

Look at ALL this Caulk!


Looks pretty bad, doesn't it! It's just oozing out. Lucky for us, it is supposed to look like this. The caulk is temporary, removable caulk, made to last one season, and just perfect for our needs this year. It is sealing up the holes between the old storm windows and the new window trim; this summer, we will pull off the storm windows and permanently weatherproof the windows and storms. Until then, this caulk is giving us quite a bit of savings... the house felt MUCH warmer after we installed it. Amazing what sealing off a few drafts will do!


  1. I thought you were posting on a porno site- LOL Reminds me of when I had ordered a case of caulking, it apparently froze- and you know i couldn't resist- I went in to they buyers office- "Donna- Help My caulk is hard!"" inapporpiate but so good for a laugh!

  2. Hey, whatever works! We need to do that with the storm windows, too.

  3. We used temporary, peelable caulk around all our windows this winter--what a difference it's made!

  4. I love that stuff. Except the tubes keep exploding in our battery-powered gun. We finally wrapped one up completely with duct tape before starting, and that worked.
