Friday, December 19, 2008

A Few More "Decorations"... and a Nature Video

(Warning: some post contents may be offensive to vegetarians (except me), PETA, tool lovers, and those who have no sense of humor).

A few years ago, my in-laws decorated their house for Christmas.
The Christmas Ladder!

Doug Deer!
Complete with red shiny nose.

And the rarely seen act of nature never before caught on video... the mating of the mechanical deer:

These were not allowed into the front yard, sadly, but have made appearances at several Christmas Parties.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. ROFLMAO over that video! 'Course, depending on the opinion of those viewing the reindeer escapades, you might have to move a word to change this:

    These were not allowed into the front yard, sadly, but have made appearances at several Christmas Parties.

    to this:

    These were not allowed into the front yard, but, sadly, have made appearances at several Christmas Parties. :)

  2. lol lol Roflmfao- The deer head is a classic! As is the mechanical deer mating- I need to do something like that for my front yard!

  3. These are your in-laws? I'm a little jealous. :-)

    My mother-in-law is sooooo far in the other direction. She actually says "cheese" instead of jeez. She would seriously have a coronary over the mating deer.


  4. OMG, I love the video of the mating deer. A Christmas classic!

  5. I have a picture of the "Christmas Shovel, Rocks, and Sticks" that your brother-in-law put up around 1994. He started the non-traditional tradition.
    Alas, I don't have a picture of the "Christmas Chairs."
    See ya in a few days,
    Your Ant Barb

  6. too funny, just surfed in here and am enjoying reading about your house



    This is classic!!! There is a bar in Washington MO that has a deer head in it that has a red light in it's nose as well!!!

  8. As both a vegetarian and PETA member, I thought it was hilarious, especially the video. (I did feel bad for Doug).

    You're lucky to have such funny in-laws. Happy New Year to all at Tiny Old House!
